Love Like We Do is OUT!

The wait is finally over! If you preordered Love Like We Do (Side A), it should be waiting for you on your Kindle or iPad right now! If not, it’s available for sale on Amazon, iBooks or Nook. (If you read on the latter two platforms, you only have two days to buy the books! After that, they’ll be going into the Kindle Select program for 90 days.)


Haven’t heard of the Love Like We Do series yet? It’s a coming-of-age, coming-out story of two 16-year-old boys. Don’t go labeling it right off the bat, though. This series isn’t simply for teens, and it isn’t only for LGBT readers. These books are for everyone. They’re about confidence, self-awareness, acceptance, truth, misconceptions, bigotry, friendship, family, and–most importantly–love.


Trey Holland has been friends with Max Rosser and Callen McNare for years. While Trey and Callen both date girls from their private school, Max always has known he was different; and last year at his public school, his teammates began suspecting he was, too. Even though Trey has always been the common link between Max and Callen, he’s unaware that something more has been happening between his two best friends. When the news finally comes out, all of their relationships are tested.


After their secret is exposed one night, Callen disappears. Max confides in his oldest brother that he suspects Callen ran away, unwilling or unable to accept the fact that he’s gay. Jon Scott, Max’s brother, helps to guide him through the most crucial time of his young life: coming out to their mother, to his father, and to his best friend of eight years. It has also become Jon’s responsibility to ensure Max’s safety in an environment that’s still unwilling to fully accept Max for who he is.


With the help of his brothers and friends, Max learns that he is much stronger than he once thought he was. Love Like We Do (Side A) is the first of two books in this series. This novel tells the story from Trey and Jon’s points of view–the outsider’s perspective.


Tomorrow, Love Like We Do (Side B) will be released. It will give you Max and Callen’s side of the story. The frustration of their hidden relationship burns steadily at the beginning. Once separated, the boys understand how their past way of doing things won’t work in the future. Callen watches from a distance, admiring the courage that Max displays in dealing with the fallout back home. He wonders if he has the backbone to stand up to his parents and the confidence needed to move forward with a relationship with Max.


To get your copies of Love Like We Do, click the links below!

Oh! One last thing! If you’re a Choisie series fan, the ebook of Love Like We Do (Side A) has a 7500-word short story of the day that Isaiah learns the news that he has a daughter!! You won’t want to miss that!

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